Order a personal data overview

If you want an overview of the most common data we have registered about you, you can order a simple and understandable overview of your data.

You will receive the overview within few days. The overview contains different types of data for example your contact details, information regarding accounts, cards, payment agreements, products, collaterals, consents and loan and credit facilities.

You can order the data overview using the form.


If you wish to exercise your right of access under GDPR art. 15 you may request a report here.

Alternatively you may write your full name, phone number and if possible, a clarification of the personal data you request access to GDPR-insight@danskebank.no.

We will respond to your request for access as soon as possible and no later than within one month of receipt of your request. In special situations and in exceptional circumstances, the period may be extended by two further months. In these situations, we will notify you of the extension of the deadline and the reason for this.

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