Nordic Outlook

- Et nordisk overblikk over den økonomiske situasjonen


Les hele Nordic Outlook rapporten for Norge

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Økonomisk rapport 4. desember 2024

I en tid hvor endringene er mange og de økonomiske konsekvensene er store, er det ikke lett å få oversikt over den økonomiske situasjonen.

  • Hvilke økonomiske fremtidsutsikter ser våre økonomer i den nordiske regionen? Og hva tenker de om tiden vi er inne i?
  • Hvordan analyserer sjeføkonomene dagens marked, og hvilke prognoser har de for månedene som kommer?

Sjeføkonom Frank Jullum og de andre sjeføkonomene fra Sverige, Danmark og Finland har sammen med våre analytikere laget en kvartalsvis økonomisk rapport; Nordic Outlook. Her presenteres Danske Banks syn på de økonomiske utsiktene i det nordiske, og globale, markedet.

Gi tilbakemelding

Økonomisk overblikk fra de andre markedene 

Sjeføkonomene fra de andre Nordiske landene vil gi et overblikk over hvordan det ligger ann i deres marked.

  • Sverige

  • Danmark

  • Finland


Våre sjeføkonomer

Heidi Schauman

Global Head of Research

Heidi Schauman has worked as Global Head of Research at Danske Bank since September 2021. In this role she leads the research work in macro, but also FX, FI and credit research in the bank. Before joining Danske Bank Heidi worked as Chief Economist at both Swedbank and Aktia Bank, and as an Economist at Nordea. She also spent 8 years at the Bank of Finland preparing monetary policy in different roles. Heidi holds a PhD in Economics from Hanken School of Economics.

Frank Jullum

Chief Economist Danske Bank Norway

Frank Jullum has worked as the Chief Economist in Danske Bank Norway since 2001. He has a degree from the University of Oslo, has previously been Chief Economist at Danske Markets, and worked as a Macro Analyst at Nordea. He has further experience from the Norwegian Ministry of Finance and the Financial Supervisory Authority.

Las Olsen

Chief Economist Danske Bank Denmark

Las Olsen has worked as an Economist in Danske Bank since 2007, and since 2015 as Chief Economist in Denmark and as coordinator of the bank’s research across the Nordic countries. Before joining Danske Bank, Las Olsen has worked as an Economist for Nordea, as Economics Reporter for the daily newspaper Berlingske and as an Analyst for Morningstar Denmark.

Michael Grahn

Chief Economist Danske Bank Sweden

Michael Grahn joined Danske Bank Consensus in 2001 as a fixed income strategist and became Chief Economist in 2017. He has a degree from Stockholm University. Grahn has previously worked as an Economist at Ministry of Finance and Analyst SEB at Markets. Subsequently, he has worked as Chief Analyst at Volvo Treasury in Gothenbug and ABM AMRO/Transferator in Stockholm.

Pasi Kuoppamäki

Chief Economist Danske Bank Finland

Pasi Kuoppamäki has worked as the Chief Economist in Danske Bank Finland since 2010. He joined Danske Bank already in 2000 and has experience from research, investor relations and risk management functions. Before his financial markets career, Pasi Kuoppamäki worked at the Research Institute of Finnish Economy (Etla), Ministry of Trade and Industry, and Bank of Finland.

Pengepolitisk rapport med Frank Jullum

Fire ganger i året slipper Norges Bank sin Pengepolitisk rapport. Rapporten inneholder blant annet en vurdering av utsiktene for norsk økonomi og Norges banks prognose for styringsrenten (også kalt rentebanen). Analysene i rapporten danner grunnlag for Norges Banks sine vurderinger og beslutninger rundt styringsrenten.

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