Kahoot! ASA - Mandatory Offer

Danske Bank together with Goldman Sachs International is acting as Financial Advisor to the Offeror in connection with the public tender offer for all outstanding shares in Kahoot! ASA.

Danske Bank is also acting as Receiving Agent in connection with the Offer.

The Offer is being made through Kangaroo BidCo AS, a limited liability company representing the Private Equity business within Goldman Sachs Asset Management, with co-investors General Atlantic, KIRKBI, Glitrafjord AS and certain other investors and management shareholders.

Timeline and Terms of the Mandatory Offering

  • Offer price: NOK 35.00 per share
  • Offer period: Till 14th of December 2023 at 16:30 (Norwegian time)

    Please see the offer document for further information about the mandatory offer.


If you have any questions regarding this transaction, please contact us on:

Offer document and acceptance forms

Offer document

Offer document

Acceptance form:

The accptance form can be filled by hand or digitally, please see "Guides to fill in the acceptance form" below
(Norsk: "Veileder til utfylling av akseptformular").

Acceptance form

Norway only: SIgn electronic acceptance form with BankID:

Klikk her for å sende inn elektronisk akseptformular med BankID
Click here to submit the electronic acceptance form with Norwegian BankID

Guides to fill in the acceptance form:

Voluntary offer documents:

Stock Exchange Announcements


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