Order audit letter via Secure Upload


By providing the following personal data I consent to/confirm that the following person has consented to:
(1) Danske Bank A/S’s or its subsidiaries’ processing of personal data with a view to preparation of audit letters
(2) the transfer of personal data between units of Danske Bank Group with a view to preparation of audit letters
(3) the transfer of personal data to other third parties within the EEA with a view to confirmation of my/the person’s identity in connection with the preparation of audit letters

The name of the company is included in the recipient section of the auditor's request. You can fill in the name of the company or audit firm as needed.
The recipient's name is included in the recipient section of the auditor's request.
By entering the CPR number, you ensure that only the user with this CPR number can see the auditor's request on the Auditor's Portal.
We send an email to this address with a link to the Auditor's Portal when the auditor's request is ready on the portal.

If you need an auditor inquiry for more than one customer / company, enter it in the comment box

Attach files *

Below, you can upload files and powers of attorney. You can upload up to 10 files, and the required format is Word/docx/doc, Excel/xlsx/xls, PDF, text/TXT, JPEG/JPG, PNG or GIF. Please note that the maximum file size is 4 MB.

Press “Upload power of attorney” to search for files. You can only select one file at a time, and it may take a few seconds for the file to be uploaded.

Press “Send” when you have uploaded all files.

File Size Exceeds the Limit
Remove File Size Exceeds the Limit

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