Order audit letter via secure email

Date for which the audit letter has to be generated


By providing the following personal data I consent to/confirm that the following person has consented to:
(1) Danske Bank A/S’s or its subsidiaries’ processing of personal data with a view to preparation of audit letters
(2) The transfer of personal data between units of Danske Bank Group with a view to preparation of audit letters
(3) The transfer of personal data to other third parties within the EEA with a view to confirmation of my/the person’s identity in connection with the preparation of audit letters

Attach files *

Press “Upload power of attorney” to search for files. You can only select one file at a time, and it may take a few seconds for the file to be uploaded.

Press “Send” when you have uploaded all files.

Total Files size max. 34 MB. File types: Word, Excel, PDF, TXT, JPG and PNG.

Uploaded files

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