![]() | Anders Johansen | Sjefstrateg Danske Bank Norge |
Hør «Episoden du må høre for å vite hva du skal lese i sommer» her.
Husk også at mange av disse bøkene finnes på lydbøker.
- William Green: Richer, Wiser Happier: How the worlds greatest investors win in markets and life
- Joel Greenblatt: The little book that still beats the market
- Guy Spier: the education of a value investor
- Robert Hagstrom: Warren Buffet - Inside the Ultimate Money mind
- Alice schroeder: The Snowball – Warren Buffet and the business of Life
- Bruce Greenwald og Judd Kahn: Value investing: from Graham to Buffet and beyond
- Michael Pettis: The great rebalancing
- Vikram Mansharamani: Boombustology – spotting financial bubbles before they bust
- Burton Malkiel: A random walk down wallstreet
- Nasim Nicolas Taleb: BLACK SWAN, Fooled by randomness, Antifragile
- Bill Browders: Red Notice
- Elliot Browns: The cult of we – Wework and the great start up delution
- Walter Isaacsons: Steve Jobs, Einstein
- Gregory Zuckerman: The man who solved the market
- Annie Duke: Thinking in Bets
- William Poundstone: Fortunes Formula
- Howard Marks: Mastering the market Cycle: getting the odds on Your side
- www.oaktreecapital.com - letters
- Liaquad Ahamed: Lords of finance – the bankers who broke the world
- Christopher Leonards bok The Lords of easy money (relativt ny)
- Ray Dalio, Big debt crisis
- youtube - «how the conomic machine works»
- Terje Tvedt: Verdenshistorien
- Roger Lowenstein: When Genius Failed
- Michael Lewis: Flashboys og The big short
- Chris Voss: Never Split the difference
- R. Cialdini: Persuasion og Pre-suation
- Moira Somers: bok Advice that sticks
- Dan Solins: The smartest sales book you will ever read
- Podcast: - Gaining perspective 6.9.2019
- Kahnemann: Thinking fast and slow
- Daniel Crosby: The behavioural investor
- Dan Arieli: Predictably irrational
- Morgan Housel: The Psyocology of Money
- Richard Thaler: Misbehaving – the making of behavioural economics
- Charlie Mungers «Psychology of human misjudgement» (pdf on internet and youtube)
- Stephen R Covey: 7 habits of highly effective people
- Carol Dweck: Mindset
- David D Durns: Feeling Good
- Adele Faber + 1: “How to Talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk”
- David Epstein: Range
- Susan Cain: Silence
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Anders Johansen
Forvalter og makroekspert
Danske Bank Norge